Celebrando Navidad y año nuevo
en la Casa del Emigrante "El Samaritano"
English translation below

La casa del emigrante “El samaritano”, es un
proyecto atendido por las hermanas de los SAGRADOS CORAZONES de la comunidad
de México. Su misión es brindar atención humanitaria a la gente que emigra de
Centro América para los Estados Unidos y que pasa por la ruta del estado
de Hidalgo, México, usando trenes de carga.
casa atiende de martes a domingo de 9:00–15:00 ofreciendo a los y las emigrantes el desayuno y la comida, así como el espacio para descanso, aseo
personal, utensilios, donación de ropa y atención médica básica. Eventualmente
atendemos en el área de Derechos Humanos de las personas emigrantes

Celebramos la Eucaristía de la navidad en la casa del
emigrante “El samaritano”. Presidio el P. Raúl Serrano, de la Diócesis de Tula (Hidalgo)
a la que pertenecemos. Participamos la comunidad de hermanas, los agentes de
pastoral y 10 personas emigrantes que se quedaron esa noche en el albergue. Dentro de la celebración, como es costumbre
en nuestra Congregación de los Sagrados Corazones, cada año en navidad, en
presencia de nuestros hermanos emigrantes y agentes de pastoral, renovamos
nuestros votos comprometiéndonos a ser fieles a nuestra vocación en nuestra vida
diaria. Sin duda fue el momento más emocionante para cada una de las hermanas,
entre cantos de alegría de villancicos alabando la presencia del niño Dios en
medio de nosotras.

El inicio de año nuevo 2014 también fue una celebración similar, con la
diferencia de que no hubo ningún emigrante ya que esos días son feriados y hay
poca movilidad para desplazarse. Sin embargo celebramos con más familiaridad
porque nuestra atención giraba a lo interno a nuestro servicio, confianza en
Dios y en su providencia, a los sueños y proyectos que queremos ofrecer a
nuestros hermanos y hermanas emigrantes, agentes de pastoral, voluntarios, así como iglesia y vida religiosa,
fue un regalo para nosotras.
Enlace a la página de Facebook de la Casa del Emigrante "El Samaritano"
Enlace a la noticia del premio de Derechos Humanos:
Celebrating Christmas and the New Year in The
Samaritan House of Migrants,
The house for
migrants, “The Samaritan”, is a project served by the Sisters of the Sacred
Hearts of the community in Mexico. Their
mission is to offer humanitarian aid to the people who emigrate from Central
America to the United States, and who pass on the way through Hidalgo, Mexico,
traveling on freight trains.
The house is
open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 – 3:00, offering migrants breakfast and
lunch, a place to rest, personal hygiene, utensils (tools), donated clothing
and basic medical care. Ultimately we
are serving in the area of Human Rights of immigrants.
Our community
decided to celebrate Christmas with our brother and sister migrants whom we
care for daily, providing the basic necessities. Without doubt the preparations were made in
every detail, thinking about the women, men, and ourselves; how to decorate the
house with Christmas arrangements, lights, Nativity scene, etc.
We celebrated
the Christmas Eucharist in the house of migrants “The Samaritan”. The presider was Fr. Raul Serrano, of the
Diocese of Tula (Hidalgo) to which we belong.
Participating were the community of Sisters, pastoral workers, and 10
migrant persons who were staying the night at the hostel. In the celebration, as is the custom in our
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts each year at Christmas, we renewed our vows in
the presence of our brother/sister migrants and pastoral workers, pledging to
be faithful to our vocation in our daily life.
Undoubtedly it was the moment most thrilling for each one of the
Sisters, amid joyful Christmas carols praising the presence of the God-child
among us.
Afterward, we
went to share the Christmas meal, for which we prepared a leg of pork well-seasoned
and tasty. We all sat down at a single
table, as one family; migrants, pastoral workers and we host Sisters, with the
theme of celebrating the birth of Jesus who brings us His blessing of peace and
communion, opposing the injustices and abuses of persons. It was a time for witnessing the presence of
God in the midst of humanity, in our midst, where it is possible to share life
without distinctions, seeing one another as brothers, sisters, pilgrims in this
earthly life, where we are all just passing through.
At the beginning
of the New Year 2014 there was also a similar celebration; with the difference
that there were no migrants because these days were holidays and there is
little transportation for displaced persons.
However we celebrated with more intimacy because our attention turned to
the inner core of our service: confidence in God and in His providence, the
dreams and projects that we want to offer our brother and sister migrants, the
pastoral workers and volunteers, as well as the Church and religious life. It was a gift to us.
Link to the news of a prize in Human Rights:
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