Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A return to digging wells / Creuser à nouveau les puits / Volver a cavar los pozos

Fr. Mike Barry lives in Oak Hills (California), where he is president of Mary's Mercy Center. A new project (Mary's Village) is being set up to help homeless people in San Bernardino. In this article Fr. Mike invites us to "dig wells", to go to the sources of our SS.CC spirituality. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Diaconate: service with a smile / Diaconat, servir avec le sourire / Diaconado: servir con una sonrisa

We offer two short messages that have come in from our newly ordained deacons: Don Brian Malnegro and Jose Marie Dumagat (Philippines). And another message from the new deacon Esitio (Tio) Niuliki (USA).