Derek Laverty sscc offers his reflexions
on Brexit
I cannot look at Brexit without thinking of Trump. My sense is that the
2016 election of Trump and the UK vote to leave Europe both evidence a shift to
the right in politics and the emergence of what we now call ‘fake news‘. The actual results on both sides of the
Atlantic were certainly unanticipated and have brought with them unforeseen and
one can say very divisive and chaotic consequences. This shift to the right and the perversion of
truth as a means to justify ends are not limited to the UK and the USA. I
believe there is something more global taking place in our world today. Brexit
and Trump are but symptoms of this. What
‘it’ is I cannot say but it does seem connected to: (i) the global social and
economic inequality that is growing among peoples; (ii) an unreasonable sense
of entitlement and (iii) self-serving hidden powers and agendas.