Province of INDONESIA
Assembly of January 2018
Provincia de
Asamblea de enero 2018
Province d'INDONÉSIE
Assemblée de janvier 2018
Nikolaus BOT SYURA sscc
The province
of Indonesia began this year 2018 with a warm gathering. Assembled at the
Retreat House “Syantikara”, in
Yogjakarta, from 22 to 26 of January 2018, 64 brothers coming from the 4
communities of formation (postulancy, novitiate, philosophy and theology), from
the 7 parish communities, the Provinsialat community (Batam), the Retreat house
community (Batam), and from Bangka island. Sister Ratna Kumalasari sscc was
with us as a delegate of our sisters.
Under the
theme “Constitution Helps Each Member to Experience ‘Savor God along the
Journey’”, Father Provincial, Bonie Payong sscc, presented the general
situation of the Province. There are many challenges that demand our time to
face it. However, we have great opportunities to share our life optimistically
according to our charism and to the need of the local church.
Father Alex
Dato sscc and his community from Mentawai Island (west of Sumatra), shared
about their efforts to visit the peoples in the islands. They need days to
travel from one place to another using various modes of transportation.
Multi-cultural and multi-religion becomes a daily encounter because they live
among several cultures and religions.
Brothers in
St. Damian Parish Lau Baleng (north Sumatra) and brothers in St. Michael
Tanjung Balai (north east of Sumatra) also experienced challenges. For them,
the most challenging thing is the way to reach the places and the education of
people. Not easy to teach the faith because they have their own beliefs.
Father Martin
Irawan sscc who celebrated his 46th anniversary of Priesthood on January 25,
accompanied us with his reflection to get on the right track in our journey.
Savor God, Martin said, means the heart was touched by God and changed
completely. Based on the story of two desciples returning to Emaus (Luc. 24:
13-35). Geographically Emaus is on the west of Jerusalem, therefore, the two
were journeying westward which was to the setting sun. Along the journey, Jesus
appeared behind them and interrupted them. The conversation flowed until their
eyes were opened and recognized the Lord. Phisically, the Lord disappeared but
he lived inside them, therefore the story developed. They turned around,
journeying toward the sun rise, facing Jerusalem. They savored God! And
interestingly this savoring the beauty of Jerusalem changed also the
perspective of other people as happened to Peter in Jerusalem. Peter who was
confused and was discouraged after betraying the Lord, in this way, was
transformed by the sharing of the two disciples. We are encouraged to taste the
secret of Jerusalem and to share it.

Fr. Felix Suparnto sscc and Muslim leaders
Together with
the whole Church in Indonesia, we proclaim the necessity to promote “kerukunan”
(Indonesian for living together in harmony with deep mutual respect). In
today’s situation, Indonesia is practically influenced by political sentiments
that triggered conflicts in the name of religion. Everything becomes fragile
and is easily driven to social divisions. Therefore, we are grateful to have
Father Felix Supranto sscc who could, in such a way, create a bridge to some
hard line Moslem Clerics in Banten Province. Normally it is not easy to meet
them because for the people the Ulama (Moslem Cleric) is a perfect man, and
whatever he says is the Truth. But Felix could shake their hands and eat slices
of mango from same plate with them. This is actually impossible to happen but
it did based on God alone. We try to be open and transparent with them and to
appreciate their works. His efforts and approach are used by the Indonesian
Bishop Conference to promote a real dialogue in the grass root. So far, this is
very helpful for both Moslem societies and Christians. Great hope that this
approach can be a gate for a wider inter-relationship.
Many things were shared during the Assembly;
Commitments on the financial supports, strengthening the bond community life,
encouraging the creative way of on-going formation for the brothers, which is
not necessary through formal studies.
Regarding collaboration with the SSCC Secular Branch,
four of them have also chance to share with us.
Brother Yan Husada sscc was also given the chance to share his special
charism in traditional herbal medicines. This time he has special joy because
he celebrated with us his 80th birthday.
Asamblea de la Provincia de Indonesia
(Enero 2018)
Asamblea de enero 2018
Province d'INDONÉSIE
The province
of Indonesia began this year 2018 with a warm gathering. Assembled at the
Retreat House “Syantikara”, in
Yogjakarta, from 22 to 26 of January 2018, 64 brothers coming from the 4
communities of formation (postulancy, novitiate, philosophy and theology), from
the 7 parish communities, the Provinsialat community (Batam), the Retreat house
community (Batam), and from Bangka island. Sister Ratna Kumalasari sscc was
with us as a delegate of our sisters.
Under the
theme “Constitution Helps Each Member to Experience ‘Savor God along the
Journey’”, Father Provincial, Bonie Payong sscc, presented the general
situation of the Province. There are many challenges that demand our time to
face it. However, we have great opportunities to share our life optimistically
according to our charism and to the need of the local church.
Father Alex
Dato sscc and his community from Mentawai Island (west of Sumatra), shared
about their efforts to visit the peoples in the islands. They need days to
travel from one place to another using various modes of transportation.
Multi-cultural and multi-religion becomes a daily encounter because they live
among several cultures and religions.
Brothers in
St. Damian Parish Lau Baleng (north Sumatra) and brothers in St. Michael
Tanjung Balai (north east of Sumatra) also experienced challenges. For them,
the most challenging thing is the way to reach the places and the education of
people. Not easy to teach the faith because they have their own beliefs.
Father Martin
Irawan sscc who celebrated his 46th anniversary of Priesthood on January 25,
accompanied us with his reflection to get on the right track in our journey.
Savor God, Martin said, means the heart was touched by God and changed
completely. Based on the story of two desciples returning to Emaus (Luc. 24:
13-35). Geographically Emaus is on the west of Jerusalem, therefore, the two
were journeying westward which was to the setting sun. Along the journey, Jesus
appeared behind them and interrupted them. The conversation flowed until their
eyes were opened and recognized the Lord. Phisically, the Lord disappeared but
he lived inside them, therefore the story developed. They turned around,
journeying toward the sun rise, facing Jerusalem. They savored God! And
interestingly this savoring the beauty of Jerusalem changed also the
perspective of other people as happened to Peter in Jerusalem. Peter who was
confused and was discouraged after betraying the Lord, in this way, was
transformed by the sharing of the two disciples. We are encouraged to taste the
secret of Jerusalem and to share it.
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Fr. Felix Suparnto sscc and Muslim leaders |
Together with
the whole Church in Indonesia, we proclaim the necessity to promote “kerukunan”
(Indonesian for living together in harmony with deep mutual respect). In
today’s situation, Indonesia is practically influenced by political sentiments
that triggered conflicts in the name of religion. Everything becomes fragile
and is easily driven to social divisions. Therefore, we are grateful to have
Father Felix Supranto sscc who could, in such a way, create a bridge to some
hard line Moslem Clerics in Banten Province. Normally it is not easy to meet
them because for the people the Ulama (Moslem Cleric) is a perfect man, and
whatever he says is the Truth. But Felix could shake their hands and eat slices
of mango from same plate with them. This is actually impossible to happen but
it did based on God alone. We try to be open and transparent with them and to
appreciate their works. His efforts and approach are used by the Indonesian
Bishop Conference to promote a real dialogue in the grass root. So far, this is
very helpful for both Moslem societies and Christians. Great hope that this
approach can be a gate for a wider inter-relationship.
Many things were shared during the Assembly;
Commitments on the financial supports, strengthening the bond community life,
encouraging the creative way of on-going formation for the brothers, which is
not necessary through formal studies.
Regarding collaboration with the SSCC Secular Branch,
four of them have also chance to share with us.
Brother Yan Husada sscc was also given the chance to share his special
charism in traditional herbal medicines. This time he has special joy because
he celebrated with us his 80th birthday.
La provincia de Indonesia comenzó el año 2018 con una acogedora
reunión. Del 22 al 26 de enero, se reunieron en la casa de retiro Syantikara,
en Yogjakarta, 64 hermanos,
provenientes de las 4 comunidades de formación (postulantes, novicios,
filosofía y teología), de las 7 comunidades que llevan parroquias, de la comunidad
de la Casa Provincial (Batam), de la Casa de Espiritualidad (Batam), y de la
isla de Bangka. La hermana Ratna
Kumalasari sscc, estuvo con nosotros como delegada de nuestras hermanas.
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Fr. Bonie Payong sscc |
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Fr. Alex Dato sscc, Mentawai |
Los hermanos en la parroquia San Damián de Lau Baleng (norte de Sumatra) y los hermanos
de St. Michael de Tanjung Balai
(noreste de Sumatra) también compartieron sus luchas y desafíos. Para estas
parroquias, lo más desafiante es la forma de llegar a los diversos lugares y la
educación de la gente. No es fácil enseñar la fe porque la gente tiene sus
propios modos de creer.
El padre Martin Irawan
sscc, que celebró su 46º aniversario de sacerdocio el 25 de enero, nos
acompañó con sus reflexiones para situarnos en el camino correcto. Saborear a
Dios, dijo Martin, es que el corazón sea tocado por Dios y cambie por completo.
Basándose en la historia de dos discípulos que regresan a Emaús (Lc 24,13-35),
explicó como geográficamente Emaús está al oeste de Jerusalén. Por lo tanto,
los dos discípulos estaban viajando hacia el oeste, hacia el sol poniente. A lo
largo del viaje, Jesús aparece detrás de ellos y los interrumpe. La
conversación fluye hasta que sus ojos se les abren y reconocen al Señor.
Físicamente, el Señor desapareció pero se quedó vivo dentro de ellos, por lo que
la historia cambió. Se dan la vuelta, viajan ahora hacia la salida del sol, hacia
Jerusalén. ¡Han saboreado a Dios! Y
curiosamente, este sabor de la belleza de Jerusalén cambia también la
perspectiva de otras personas, como le sucede a Pedro en Jerusalén. Pedro, que quedó
confundido y desanimado después de haber traicionado al Señor, se transformó compartiendo
con estos dos discípulos. Estamos invitados a gustar el secreto de Jerusalén y a
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Fr. Martin Irawan sscc |
Junto con toda la Iglesia en Indonesia, proclamamos la
necesidad de promover el "kerukunan" (terminología
indonesia que significa vivir juntos en armonía con un profundo respeto mutuo).
En la situación actual, Indonesia está prácticamente influenciada por
sentimientos políticos que desencadenan conflictos, incluso en nombre de la
religión. Todo se vuelve muy frágil y fácilmente conduce a divisiones sociales.
Por lo tanto, estamos agradecidos de tener entre nosotros al padre Félix Supranto sscc, quien es capaz de crear puentes con algunos clérigos
musulmanes de línea dura, en la provincia de Banten. Conseguirlo normalmente no
es fácil porque para ellos el Ulama (el clérigo musulmán) es un
hombre perfecto, lo que él dice es verdad. Pero Félix es capaz estrechar sus
manos y comer trozos de mango del mismo plato con ellos. De hecho esto es
imposible, pero se hace sólo por obra de Dios. Tratamos de ser abiertos y
transparentes con ellos y apreciar sus obras. Los esfuerzos y enfoques de Félix
son utilizados por la Conferencia de Obispos de Indonesia para promover un
verdadero diálogo en la base. Hasta ahora, es muy útil tanto para las
sociedades musulmanas como para los cristianos. Hay una gran esperanza de que
este enfoque pueda ser una puerta para una interrelación más amplia.
Muchas más cosas se compartieron durante la asamblea: comprometernos
con los apoyos financieros, fortalecer la vida comunitaria estrechando los
lazos fraternos, fomentar la formación permanente de los hermanos (no necesariamente
a través de estudios formales).
En cuanto a la colaboración con la Rama Secular SSCC, cuatro de ellos también tuvieron la oportunidad
de compartir con nosotros. También el hermano Yan Husada sscc tuvo la oportunidad de compartir su especial carisma
con las hierbas medicinales tradicionales. Esta vez tuvo otra alegría más porque
celebró con nosotros sus 80 años.
Assemblée de la
province d’Indonésie (Janvier 2018)
La province d’Indonésie a commencé l’année 2018 avec
une rencontre chaleureuse. 64 frères se sont retrouvés du 22 au 26 janvier, à…., Ils venaient de 4
communautés de formation (postulants, novices, philosophie et théologie), de 7 communautés en charge de paroisses, de la communauté de la maison
provinciale (Batam), de la maison de spiritualité ( Batam) et de l’île de
Bangka. La sœur Ratna Kumalasari sscc, était aussi avec nous en tant que
déléguée de nos sœurs.
Avec le thème : « Les constitutions aident
chacun de nous à expérimenter la saveur de Dieu sur le chemin » ,
le père Provincial, Bonie Payong ssscc,
nous a présenté la situation générale de la province. Il y a beaucoup de défis.
Il faudra du temps pour les relever.
Cependant, nous avons beaucoup de possibilité et nous avons partagé avec optimisme ce que nous sommes en train de
vivre en accord avec notre charisme et en
même temps pour les besoins de nos églises locales.
Le père Alex
Dato sscc et sa communauté de l’île de Mentawai
(à l’ouest de Sumatra) nous firent part de leurs efforts pour visiter les
populations de l’ile. Il faut des jours entiers
pour arriver à joindre certains lieux et utiliser différents moyens de transport.
Les gens vivent dans un milieu aux mille cultures et religions, dans une
réalité quotidienne de multiethnicité et multi-religiosité.
Les frères de
la paroisse de Saint Damien de Lau
Baleng (au nord de Sumatra) et les frères de St. Michael de Tanjung
Balai (au nord-est de Sumatra) sont affrontés également à de multiples luttes et
défis. Pour ces paroisses, le plus difficile est d’atteindre ces lieux différents et savoir quelle éducation proposer
à ce peuple. Il n’est pas facile de
proposer la foi car les gens ont leurs propres croyances.
Le père Martin
Irawan sscc, qui célébrait son 46e anniversaire de sacerdoce le 25 janvier,
nous a accompagnés avec ses réflexions pour nous indiquer un chemin concret. « Savourer
Dieu, nous a dit Martin, c’est quand le cœur
est touché par Dieu et change totalement. En partant des deux disciples qui regagnent Emmaüs (Luc 24 : 13-35), il
nous a expliqué que géographiquement Emmaüs est situé à l’ouest de Jérusalem.
Par conséquent, les deux disciples se déplaçaient vers l’Ouest, vers le soleil
couchant. En cours de chemin, Jésus leur
apparaît par derrière et il les interrompt.
La conversation va son train jusqu'à ce que leurs yeux s’ouvrent et
reconnaissent le Seigneur. Physiquement,
le Seigneur disparaît à leurs yeux mais il
reste vivant parmi eux, ainsi toute l’histoire
change. Ils font volte-face, ils marchent vers le lever du soleil, vers Jérusalem ! Ils ont
savouré Dieu ! Et, curieusement, ce goût de la beauté de Jérusalem modifie
également la perception des autres,
comme cela arrive avec Pierre à Jérusalem. Pierre, qui était confondu
et découragé après avoir trahi le
Seigneur, est transformé et partage avec ces deux disciples. Nous sommes invités à
gouter le secret de Jérusalem et à le partager.
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Fr. Felix Supranto sscc |
Bien d’autres choses ont pu être partagées lors de cette
assemblée : nous engager financièrement,
renforcer la vie communautaire en créant des liens fraternels, promouvoir la formation permanente
des frères (pas nécessairement par des études formelles).
Quant à la collaboration
avec la branche séculière SSCC, quatre personnes eurent la possibilité de partager avec nous.
Ainsi le frère Yan Husada sscc eut
l’occasion de nous faire connaître son
charisme spécial pour les herbes médicinales traditionnelles. Et il eut encore
la joie de célébrer avec nous ses 80 ans.
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