Monday, March 3, 2025

What the Sacred Heart of Jesus mean to us as a Secular Branch


by Lenie Papa, Secular Branch (USA)

1. What the Sacred Heart meant for me as a Secular member, is the unconditional love of Jesus for all of us. We have to reflect on our life and ask ourselves what we can do for Jesus in return for His love for all of us.


2. Sacred Heart of Jesus symbolizes His love, His Mercy and compassion for me and to all mankind.


3. Sacred heart represents for me a community of people who love to share about God (which gladly there is one close to me to be part of) and the sacred heart of Jesus and his merciful people.


4. As a secular branch the Sacred Heart means love of Jesus and Mary, it also transmits this love to the community uniting us all.


5. Prayer of Daily Neglects we offer to the Eternal Father the Sacred heart of Jesus. Says "with all its love, all its suffering and all its merits.

Therefore; All treasures come from his merciful heart.  

Heart of Jesus help me!  


6. The sacred heart means to me Jesus of Nazareth. The human Jesus. His love for humanity. He is down to earth, and approachable. His beating heart is exposed, shows me he is all love. I find him in adoration, where he pours out intense love for all mankind. 


7. In the sacred heart of Jesus, I am reminded of his profound love for me. He invites me to come to Him where we can find rest. His heart offers me love, peace, joy, suffering. That through his heart, I feel assured of finding hope and guidance.  He is always there for me and wants me to love Him. His sacred heart also invites me to pray and offer sacrifices for the salvation of others just like he modeled by his death on the Cross. 


8. As a SSCC secular branch member, the Sacred Heart of Jesus means not only knowing of and receiving God's love, which is the breath of our existence, but also desiring to reciprocate that Divine love in thought word and action. Though a sinner, our hearts are fused.  My imperfect self desires to bring consolation to His Sacred Heart.  My hope is that my flawed actions are transcended by His abundant Mercy, Grace and Love. May my heart always beat for you dear God.  May our hearts always beat as one.  I love you God.


9. The Sacred Heart of Jesus has been my refuge where I could confide all my joys, sorrows, worries, fears, pain, sufferings, my feelings without reservations. It is my confidant where I could express myself freely. I hide in the deepest wounds of His Sacred Heart to find rest, peace, solace, comfort, trust and most importantly love. Being enclosed in the deepest wounds of his Sacred Heart is like hiding in a very secure place feeling his protection and hugs as it beats my heart beats with his. My pains, sorrows and sufferings being washed away by his Most Precious Blood as though as I am being purified as gold in the furnace by his consuming fire of love.

Over the years of being a Secular Branch, I have grown in his presence specially in the union of His love in the Holy Eucharist, in adoration, in uniting with His passion making reparations for my sins and that of humanity, past, present and future.

Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine. FIAT!

To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, honor and glory. Amen.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Daily Bread

by John Roche sscc


"We are redeemed and saved by his body and blood. Hail the sacred host which he gave us as our food."      

Old  Celtic Antiphon



Christians argue a lot about the Eucharist, What is its meaning? What should we call it? What….?

The Eucharist stands as a focal point of debate and discussion among Christians, each perspective highlighting a different aspect of its significance. Some perceive it as a communal meal, a sacred ritual that binds a community together. Others find it a profound personal prayer, a catalyst for reaching out to others in service. It's also seen as a commemoration of Jesus' redemptive acts, a reminder of his sacrifice. But who holds the correct interpretation?

Monday, May 13, 2024




Fr. Davide Caisse, Salvatoriano



Q: What is the current situation in Mozambique? Can you say that there is peace in Mozambique?

Padre Davide: The current situation in Mozambique is very difficult for the majority of the Mozambican population due to the frequent terrorist attacks, which claim many lives and cause hunger and misery. It is a complex and challenging situation in which several factors contribute to instability in the different regions of the country. Although fighting and terror exist in the north of Mozambique, the reality is different in the center and south of the country, where there is relative stability and progress. However, the struggle for development and against terror and other problems, for example corruption, continues. Therefore, it cannot really be said that there is peace in Mozambique.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Opening of St. Damien’s Pantry Ministry in Wareham / La apertura del Ministerio de la Despensa de alimentos de San Damián en Wareham


The Opening of St. Damien’s Pantry Ministry in Wareham, MA

by Soane Siua sscc


On April 23rd, 2024, the ribbon cutting ceremony marked the opening of St. Damien’s Food Pantry new facility in Wareham, MA. The pantry served as a vital resource for those in need of food assistance in the area. State representatives Susan Williams Gifford and State Senator Marc R. Pacheco were in attendance, expressing their full support for the mission and work of St. Damien’s Pantry. Cheryl Schondek, the COO of the Greater Boston Food Bank, also attended to convey the organization's gratitude and pledged ongoing support in honor of her late uncle, Fr. Michael Anunciato, 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Is the church a pastor or a teacher first? / ¿Es la Iglesia primero como un pastor o como un maestro? / L'église est-elle d'abord un pasteur ou un enseignant ?

Is the church a pastor or a teacher first?

Ludger Widmaier sscc


On December 18, 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome published the declaration Fiducia Supplicans on the pastoral meaning of blessings. This declaration, which relates to questions of personal blessings outside of liturgical acts, has stirred many minds around the world. There have been many controversial and seemingly irreconcilable statements, especially on the question of blessing homosexual couples in this non-liturgical context. At the same time, I believe that this debate misses the fundamental issue of Fiducia Supplicans. The discussion relates to the question of whether or not a "sin" can be blessed; as if the situation of a non-liturgical blessing is about giving people a certain status within the ecclesial community that they are not entitled to.

Everything will be fine ...? / Tout va bien se passer ... ? /¿Todo irá bien...?

Everything will be fine ...?

by Martin Königstein sscc

"I would like to be full of confidence. Someone who is full of hope for the future.

Who manages to simply endure all of this (...) I look at you at you and would like to tell you: Everything will be fine." 

From: Der letzte Song (Alles wird gut) by rapper Felix Kummer (translated from German)

The Catholic Church on war and peace / L'Église catholique sur la guerre et la paix / La Iglesia Católica sobre la guerra y la paz

The Catholic Church on war and peace- Ten theses

by Thomas Wagner

1. "Ecclesia semper reformanda": The Catholic Church, with its 2000-year history, is one of the oldest institutions of mankind. For many, it embodies continuity and fidelity to the tradition of the Christian faith; others see it as a feudalistic-clerical system of rule. In reality, the church is far more complex to understand. A look at its history reveals a tense web of forces of persistence and change that are constantly wrestling with each other, particularly about its relationship to violence, war, and peace. The church was both a warmonger and a force for peace!