Monday, April 1, 2019

In memory of Good Father from Jogyakarta

SS.CC community in Yogyakarta held two events in order to celebrate the feast of our Good Father, Pierre Coudrin. First, we invite the catholic youths from Gantang parish to visit and stay at our community. Secondly, we went to St. Mary orphanage, in Boro, Yogyakarta, to share our family spirit with the orphans.

23 March 2019, Saturday afternoon, the youths arrived in our community. We begin our activities by playing badminton and futsal. After sports we had dinner together. Later that evening, Fr. Siprianus, SS.CC and Sr. Ratna, SS.CC gave a presentation about SS.CC congregation. What’s interesting was our master of ceremony outfits. Bro. Fortune, SS.CC and Sr. Ima, SS.CC, both wore their traditional clothes to represent the diverse cultures of our congregation members. Afterward, all of us gather at the chapel to have adoration. Our activities that evening were concluded with recreation. The games could get a little competitive since the loser got face powdered.

24 March 2019, Sunday morning. We begin our day with jogging. We jog from philosopher community to theologian community. We had breakfast and now it’s time to head to our destination, St. Mary orphanage. Upon arriving, we were warmly greeted by FIC Brother who ran the orphanage. We then had mass, presided by Fr. Siprianus, SS.CC and Fr. Pankras, SS.CC. The theme of Fr. Pankras homily was encounter. He said that some people who are in need, prayed to God for help, while others prayed because they have the desire to serve others. Our visitation to the orphanage is an encounter of both sides who prayed. This encounter was aligned to the reading about Abraham encounter with God.

After the mass, we had lunch. There are also some performances from SS.CC brothers, Gantang catholic youths, as well as the kids from the orphanage. We sing, we dance, and we shared laughter together. It was a moment of brotherhood and joy. Thank God for this encounter.

The culmination of the celebration is celebrated at the Grya Tyas Dalem, Scolasticat community on the day of the dead of Good Father. The members of the three communities; Sisters, Picpus, and GTD with the presence of the two KKS sisters are in the celebrations. In the celebration, we are invited by Presider, Fr. Pankras to reflect on the words of God Father, “I read and discover the will of God in all that happen to us”, in relation to the two readings of today. Like Moses who invited Israel to hear the statute and decrees from God, we are invited to read our constitution as source of our communion with the spirit of our founder. Each of us are called into SSCC family to fulfil the vision of God Father. Let us continue to rediscover the will of God in our founders’s life and the life and mission of our congregation. 


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